Hi, I'm Sunny Sourav.

self-driven, quick starter, passionate programmer with a curious mind who enjoys solving a complex and challenging real-world problems.
Love to discuss amazing ideas with similar minds
Worked on different web2, web3 web apps
Learning and working on Blockchain


I am a 2018 Computer Science Grad from Pune University . I enjoy working on new ideas, learning new things, gaining new skills, taking parts in hackathons, attending webinars, writing blogs, discussing over some good ideas. Always strive to bring 100% to the work I do. I have worked on technologies like Solidity, Truffle, Web3, EtherJs, Ethereum, Reactjs, Python, Django, DRF, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS, Java, during my 3 years of professional work experience, which helped me strengthen my experience. I am passionate about developing complex applications that solve real-world problems impacting millions of users.

  • Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, Solidity, HTML/CSS
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Libraries: ReactJS, Web3, Etherjs
  • Frameworks: Django, Truffle, Hardhat, Brownie, Bootstrap
  • Blockchain DeFi,NFT,ERC20,ERC721,ERC1155 token
  • Tools & Technologies: Git, AWS, Remix, Heroku, JIRA

Looking for an opportunity to work in some interesting Blockchain projects, which provides professional development, interesting experiences and personal growth.


Software Engineer
  • Developed and managed the backend as well as frontend for a e-commerce platform and kanban board using Django & Reactjs.
  • Worked on three blockchain projects DeFi yield farming app, NFT MarketPlace, Crosschain token transfer in polygon.
  • Made smart contract added automated marketmaker for yield farming, added price oracle to fetch real time value of tokens, react app with web3 integration.
  • Made smart contract, deployed over ropsten testnet, audited the code using slither,echidna,manticore,solhint, made reactjs application and integrated using web3/etherjs .
  • Tools: Django, Solidity, Truffle, Hardhat, etherjs, web3js, Reactjs, Remix.
July 2021 - Present | Noida, India
Python full stack Developer
  • Developed a project similar to justdial in which we can view the services nearby according to our need and according to our location,added Google API,IP based location, Social login and much more.
  • Developed APIs for for anonymous social web app, which include chat, like, comment, post stories, delete stories and much more.
  • Designed and developed a appointment based application,where user can search for nearby serivces listed based based on geo location and book appointment for same.
  • Tools: Python, Django, DRF, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, MySQL, Postgresql, Reactjs.
January 2021 - June 2021 | Chandigarh, India
Software Developer
  • Created a web conference handling platform which can handle thousands of user using DRF
  • Designed and developed a Leave managment web app with biometric integration which can handle attendance,leave ,salary and many other features, also the admin pages to manage everything .
  • Tools: Python, Django, DRF, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, MySQL, Postgresql.
August 2019 - Dec 2020 | Bangalore, India

Blockchain Projects

DeFi yieldfarming app
Defi Yield farming

DeFi Yield Farming on Ethereum

  • Tools: Solidity, Ethereum, Polygon, Javascript, Reactjs, web3, etherjs
  • Metamask based authentication
  • Depositor can deposit various crypto coin/token and start earning interest
  • Realtime pricefeed from price oracle
  • Borrower can deposit collateral and get loan
KYC in blockchain

KYC in blockchain

  • Tools:Python, Javascript, Solidity, Truffle, Django, Reactjs, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Postgresql
  • Django + Metamask based authentication.
  • sha3 keccak hash generation and verification

Django Projects


Provide service and solution based on user current location

  • Tools: Django, DERF, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Postgres, Google API for location & distance, social login
  • Basic authentication & social login
  • User can find new by services based on its location
  • Backend algo to promote services on top of page based on membership
  • Use dashboard to maintain expense

Biological labs for testing of sample, invoice generation, report generation, delivery, payment gateway

  • Tools:Python, Django, DRF, Javascript, Reactjs, HTML, HTML2PDF, Bluedart, Razorpay, CSS, Bootstrap, Postgresql
  • Django + Metamask based authentication.
  • sha3 keccak hash generation and verification
Event Booking

Provide Event, Sport, Class booking on schedule time and date

  • Tools: Django, DRF, Javascript, React, Postgres, HTML, CSS, JS, GIT, Jira
  • Events, Sports tournament, Class booking application based on datetime availability
  • Multiple roles, User, Organizer, Owner
  • Owner can register its stadium, court or lawn anything for business purpose
  • Organizer can book the location for event
  • User can buy tickets for the events organized by the Organizer
  • User dashboard to maintain expense, with payment gateway, invoice generation and other services
Employee management

Employees management application focus on attendance, leaves & other features

  • Tools: Django, DRF, javascript, React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Postgres, biometric integration
  • Multiple roles Admin, Manager, Lead , Employees
  • Employess can request for leave and Lead approves & same goes for Lead to manager
  • Dashboard to check employess leave, work hours and other details

Appointment booking application based on user geolocation

  • Tools: Python, Django, DRF, javascript, Stripe, Push notification.
  • Two roles Professionals, Users, Admin
  • The professionals who will give appointment to user
  • The user who will be scheduling the appointments with professionals
  • The user can find professionals based on their need and request for the appointment on particular date and time, the professional can accept/decline/reschedule the appointment
  • Dashboard to see upcoming appointments
  • Push notification , payment/invoice generation incase opted online
Pet Meet App

Pet meeting application based on geolocation with in-app chat feature

  • Tools: Python, Django, DRF, javascript, React, Paypal, Django channels, Websocket, Firebase, Chat
  • Mutiple Roles : Admin, Paid , Free
  • The users will be able to post stories,like, comment
  • Add, remove, accept reject friends
  • Send meeting request, meet , in-app chat functionalties
  • Payment based on subscription


Languages and Databases










BTM, Bangalore

Training: Full stack web development training
Grade: A

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Data struture and algorithm
    • Java
    • Spring

SMT kashibai college of engineering

Pune, MH, India

Degree: Bachelor of Technology in Computer science
CGPA: 6/10

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Database Management Systems
    • Compueter Architecture
    • Machine Learning
    • Computer Vision
